Friday 30 May 2014

Textual Representation of logo

What Happens When A Java Program Runs

This simple program describes execution order of different block and methods when a java program runs.

public class WhatHappensInJavaProgram
  System.out.println("Static block ");
 public WhatHappensInJavaProgram()
 public static void testStatic()
  System.out.println("Static method");
 public void test()
  System.out.println("Instance method");
 public static void main(String args[])
  System.out.println("Main Method");
  WhatHappensInJavaProgram obj =new WhatHappensInJavaProgram(); 

In this program , first of all this class WhatHappensInJavaProgram get loaded in JVM and class object is created.While loading the class , the jvm runs its static blocks and initilizes static variables . So the very first line which gets printed will be static block . After this , main method runs. Then if we create new instance , first the memory is allocated in heap , then constructor runs , and then the reference is assigned . After that , instance method runs .
Static block 
Main Method
Static method
Instance method